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산업정보/기타 추천업체 종합


제품코드G065081[G065081] 누전경보기/계전기
판매 회사명대명이엔티

▶ 8 & 16 circuit arithmetic type ground Relays ▶ Do setting and that measure of LCD Display (4 X 20 LCD) ▶ Save fault event (Trip circuit, trip current, date and time) at accident occurrence. ▶ According to Circuit, can do free setting of rate frequency. (60/50Hz) ▶ Believability elevation through various self-diagnosis and ordinary times watch function embodiment. (Cpu Watch-Dog timer, Memory, Setting value Monitering) ▶ Self-test through passivity trip command. ▶ Convenient RS-485 communication. ▶ ZCT conduction test is number of percent. ▶ Can do setting by each circuit. (operation current, operation time) ▶ Can establish by Auto(Automatic) / Manual(Continuance) of Trip signal. ▶ Solidified EMC/EMI Performance ▶ Date and Time display.

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UPS  (0) 2016.01.15
방습제 일반용  (0) 2016.01.14
팽창탱크  (0) 2015.12.28
팽창탱크  (0) 2015.12.28
공구걸이대  (0) 2015.12.22